Hvem er jeg?


Embodiment failitator

Bodymind healing is a simultaneous motion

Healing from the inside out and from the outside in.

Anna is deeply passionate about supporting healing on this planet - on an individual and collective level. She weaves in different methods and traditions in order to promote integrated growth. 

In her work as a clinical psychologist, Anna meets clients with severe traumas as well as other challenges. She believes in combining somatic approaches such as NARM (Neuro Affective Relational Model), Somatic experiencing, and Tapping (EFT) with modalities such as Yoga and diet to name a few. 

Annas' over 20 years of spiritual practice informs her work and play, from the lineages of classical Tantra, shamanism, and mindfulness.

She loves to involve sexual energy in a joint healing process, seeing that we can all be part of creating a field for expansion and mutual growth.

Hvilke workshop skal jeg ha?

Working with consent and "Sacred taking

Deepening our skills in consent and "Sacred taking" helps us navigate the sometimes unclear grounds of sexual and non-sexual interactions. Becoming clear of the spectrum of consent brings us in alignment to open more fully to our authentic NO and our authentic YES to experiences. As we bring in an attitude of sacredness to our giving and receiving we are invited to step into a picture with a wide variety of colors.

Touch for healing 

In this workshop, we will have consent and trauma awareness as the base for our playing field. We will perform exercises to expand our understanding of what our body wants. When the body says yes. Here the choice is more important than the doing.

There will be solo and partner exercises. If you prefer you can choose to do only solo exercises.

Trauma-Sensitive Tantric Exploration

 As we want to grow through the exploration of our sexuality it is easy to overstep our own boundaries. Yet many of us come to this work carrying wounds from our past. In order to make the journey safe and soulful, we will in this workshop explore the theory and practice of trauma healing. Here we listen to the body and let it lead the way. 

Pleasure - a secret ingredient to healing 

 Being human means being exposed to big and small traumas throughout life. Pleasure can be a guide on the path of healing body, mind, and soul. Through the cultivation of pleasure in the senses of the body, we acquire a more balanced nervous system and integrated sense of self. We engage in embodiment practices for healing through pleasure.


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